MMI CellEctor
Capillary based Cell-Sorting:
The MMI CellEctor is an integrated instrumentation solution for the fully manual or automated recognition, aspiration and deposition of single cells in suspension onto a wide range of cell culture or molecular biology device.
More information on the CellEctor Product Page
MMI 3D CellRobot
- 3 Axis fully motorized and software-controlled
- Easy swivel device to allow full access to the stage
- Easily adjustable capillary position (both along and around its axis)
Patented capillary protection
High Precision MMI CellPump
Motorized and software-controlled high-precision pump to acquire and deposit cells or particles in defined volumes consisting of:
- MMI CellPump with 2 nanoliter resolution
- Pump filling and maintenance accessories
- Integrated protection from mechanical damage
- Seamless switching between manual and motorized mode
Patented design for easy fill and flush
Software functions
- Fully automated or manual acquisition and deposition of cells
- Choice of three automation levels, including full automation with scanning of the sample and cell recognition
- Complex movement modes of the capillary (skipping of the sample container wall, user-defined immersion and deceleration distance, deposition at vertical walls)
- User-defined spacing between the capillary tip and the slide with a dynamic correction to compensate for the slide tilt
- Automated capillary re-focusing options: on the microscope slide or the capillary tip
- User-defined pump parameter sets for different capillary diameters
- Automated dispatching of cells onto either grids or any other device (e.g. a PCR tube, cell culture vessel)
- Automated inspection of loaded grids (spot by spot) with cell recognition and statistics report
Automated reduction of excitation times under fluorescence settings
Consumables Starter Kit CellEctor
- Various MMI capillaries and additional MMI consumables for first use